
Note: A successful website is the result of a well-planned approach

Step-1 Analysis

You have a lot of visitors but little revenue? We analyze the characteristics and features of your existing web presence (usability).

Step-2 Design

We will create a concept taking into account the target audience, objectives and technical realities.

Step-3 Realization

The implementation of a custom concept is associated with the partition of your web presence, where the design (front end) is disconnected from the content (backend).

Step-4 Optimization

In this process, as well as during the “relaunch” of a website, we will ensure that these are perfectly adapted to the current infrastructure and use the latest technologies. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the next step to improve your web presence.

Step-5 Translation

You also want an international version of your website? No problem, as we equip your page with an idiomatic and stylish english translation. Furthermore, we also offer translations in Polish, Russian, Slovak, Czech and French.

Step-6 Release

After deploying the website, we are happy to take on their marketing and work together with partner companies from the advertising and marketing industry.